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Thank you for visiting Signing Is Art! We are happy to have you here to check us out! Signing Is Art aka SIA teaches art (sign language) to the community while promoting cultural and hearing loss awareness.

Obviously, you came to the site, because you must've heard how awesome the Instructor is, saw people using art with their hands, google searched sign language, or whatever the reason may be, just know you made the right decision. Sign language is not just another language as many people classify it to be. It is also art which is 3D and of course abstract. It is very unique from any other languages, because it involves our hands. Just like how an artist is able to create abstract art from their visions onto canvas, plaque, etc, we can do the same with our hands. How? Think of a Deaf Performer who signs to music. That is art of the music being brought into 3D abstract art. How amazing is that!! Please note Deaf Performers and Interpreters are two different titles and I will explain further.

Deaf Performers are not Interpreters and vice versa. Interpreters translate one language into another language particularly those of the receiver. They provide a service in accommodating communication needs. On the other hand, Deaf Performers (not necessarily deaf, can be hard of hearing), brings the art of music, acting, poetry, etc to life. They study for hours matching the signs with the project until it is able to come together beautifully. And this is why so many people are so amazed with the art of the Deaf Performers. If you want something to come to life for you in 3D abstract, get you a Deaf Performer! You won't be disappointed.

The purpose of SIA is to eliminate communication barriers. We want to educate the community on the importance of learning art (sign language) while having fun. There are so many benefits in learning art and that will be shared in another post. Let's have fun and create ART with the community!! As always sign language is art through the beautiful movements of our hands!

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